The Echo In The Old House

Finally, the house shifting is almost over. I said almost simply because the heavy and big furniture and boxes were moved, and whats left are some tidy-ups in the old house – potted plants and a few pots & pans. Traumatic. That is the word that I keep on chanting about moving houses.

The lorry was supposed to arrive at 9 am on Saturday morning. Somehow, my staff managed to screw up the arrangement and on the night before I found myself with no lorry for the move! Luckily the ever resourceful moi came up with Plan B and had somehow managed to arrange for one but the lorry was only available on Sunday. OK. Sunday it would be, as if I have much choice in saying anything else but a yes?

Sunday came and the lorry guy came with 3 manpower. Wonderful. There was no way Lyn and I would ever be able to move all those stuff by ourselves.

One of the heaviest furniture that went in the transport was this 8-seater carved teak wood with matching chairs. Just let me tell you why this would become the topic of the day – the guys needed to carry this piece of thing up to my new place which is on the second floor. There is no lifts. Whatsoever.

Yeah. I know.

Pixs of view from the new place in next post.

It was a rather exciting experience. Sad and confused at the same time. Infact, I wasnt really sure what I was feeling on that day. Excited knowing for a fact that at this point of time I am embarking on a new journey in my life, on my own rules and decisions. New house, new experience. Sad and confused knowing that all these experiences were shared with my other half at several points in our lives before.

The masterbedroom is clear now from any furniture. All that is left are some magazines that need to be thrown out. It looks so empty now. The ochre coloured walls stood there so vivid in its colour. The windows are void of any dressings. I walked to the TV hall. No more coffee table with the usual TV tid-bits and cable schedule.

The landings is cleared now from the usual potted plants.

Infact, the house has this certain echo whenever I made a small move. I will remember these echos as it carries a little bit of what I had left behind for good.