Don’t Be Stupid

I am a member of this particular FB group whose members consist of single mothers and ladies who have remarried. Managed by a good friend of mine who also happens to be a single mom herself, this group is…interesting.

A few days ago, one of the ladies, a single mom with 2 kids posted a rather interesting question. She wrote that she is dating a guy who was divorced from his wife for 12 years. The guy is keen to marry her but he is also keen to get back to his ex wife.

Whom he had divorced 12 years ago.

Blinking 12 years ago.

The Malay has a name for this kind of behaviour. It is called “gila talak“, meaning desperate to get back at one’s ex spouse till you go mental.

Nice description, huh?

So,her question was, “Should I marry this guy?”

I mean, woman, where’s your brain? Is your bed freezing that bad every night? Or desperate for a man’s touch that makes you become stupid?

Oh. Wait. She also added that his friend said this guy was never seen with another woman, except this time around with this lady. Uh. And, your point is? For a mere few words, you have left your brain and logic behind?

The Non-Anniversary

18 years ago today marked the day when two young birds gotten hitched after 7 years of courting. The whole entire village were there to celebrate. Infact, it was the wedding of the year for the bride’s side. Never again, not until this coming October 2008, that there will be another wedding of that sort has ever been performed.

A huge, fat buffalo went to the butchers to feed the visitors and well wishers. Ten huge couldrons were brimming with all the rendangs and nasi minyak cooked by an army team of Chefs headed by an auntie who specialises in Malay traditional feasts were there.

Pretty amazing really. The bride wore a splendid maroon traditional songket baju kurung with full headgear and the groom had a matching traditional songket baju melayu Pahang with full regalias and a songkok. The previous day, the bride had a simple ceremony of Adat Berinai among close families and to mark that her days as a single is coming to an end.

Middle of the night. The bride was in the ceremonial room with her Best Girl, sitting across 7 silver trays, admiring the beautiful wedding gifts which would be exchanged with 5 silver trays from the groom the next day.

18 years ago. Nostalgic.

Is This What I Want?

Ok, so, moi being a 39 year old last Sunday feels that it is high time to do a little bit extra thinking about what I want in short term, mid term and long term. Not that I havent done it before but I guess this time around these things need a little extra time to decide with a more firmer decision.

I guess for the last many, many months when things have gone a bit settled from my previous life, I have concluded that I have found a new life again. Starting everything (well, almost everything) from a clean slate makes things easier in perspective. There are still baggages no doubt but not so many that may cripple my daily life.

There are a few decisions that I make have to make in the next few days, weeks and months. I think most singles, especially single moms and dads out there will definitely have drawn out at least something that resembles a planning like mine. A few things that may make all the differences in single moms and dads are, perhaps will look like follows:

  1. The children – stuff that will make every single moms and dads having sleepless nights. As much as they have love/hate or hate/hate relationships with the exes, I believe the special bonding with the children can never be compromised in any way possible as they are your responsibilities the minute they enter the world, through your action 9 months before that. I spent a good deal thinking how I could raise Lyn is a better environment, better education. I also dont want her to be shackled with perceptions thrown in by some of the ex in-laws who had nothing better to do than telling her that it was her fault her daddy had a heart attack. These are the very same people who wanted her to live with them so that she could be in a “better environment”. I wish I could shield her from all of these spiteful, toxic adults (of which I have managed to, so far) forever, but knowing the fact that I cant, just tear me to pieces each time I think of it.
  2. Career – the fact that I was a business owner for decades and for reasons only I know and wish to keep, at least for the moment, and have decided to enter into the working environment again left me with so much to ponder about financial issues. Somehow, I know that, I may have to really push myself again, knowing that I am now mentally more prepared to face the challenges that the business world are giving out. And hopefully, I may reap the reward as how it was.
  3. Love life – what can I say? Life alone is what it is – alone.  I am definitely pretty happy with the alone-time I have. This means I am not conforming to other people’s expectations on what to wear (or not wear) while doing the dishes, or laundry, or give a hoot whether I decide to snooze at 3pm on a Saturday. It has been colourful enough but I think it would add to the colours if I can share it with someone. And that comes to the next issue – can I compromise another person in my life now that I am contented with myself. A relationship needs to be built with love and trust and with time, it cannot be forced. Thats what a friend said to me recently. I am really in no hurry to re marry but somehow I do believe that I should have (when there is) a more substance in a friendship so that I know which direction I should be taking. To see whether is this person is worth the investment in time so that I can make my decision within a span of say….3 months?

I honestly dont know the answer.


The Heart Attack

My ex husband had a heart attack at about 2.30am last Thursday morning and is now being stabilised in ICU and waiting for a proper date for angio. Not a fantastic sign considering that he just celebrated his 44th birthday early April 2008. Lyn promptly flew in the next day together with his side of the family to be with him.

On that early morning, he called his friend to pick him up for hospital. Then, the next phone call went to his daughter. I remember being awaken from my sleep by my crying teenager, ears still glued to her mobile with her daddy. Her tears were rolling down and with desperate voice begging him not to leave her.

Funny when you feel death is so close but a heartbeat, knowing that you can just die in a matter of moment, you tend to do reflect – a lot.

My dad passed away about 6 years ago, also in April. He died in his car while being driven to the hospital.  I remember the late night phone call from a cousin who told me to go back to the kampung and visit my dad. I was a bit upset when he began to sound persistant and he finally told me that he was in the car to hospital with another cousin who was driving.

All of a sudden, the mobile phone went dead as it passed through a no-coverage area. I frantically called him back. Three minutes passed. Eventually, it could have been my umpteenth call during the 5 minutes and I managed to get through.

I heard him crying. My dad breathed his last breath in between the line drop and the next phone call.

I collapsed by the phone, oblivious to my surroundings. My ears registered nothing but some loud thumping of my heart.

At the Muslim grave compound – I walked behind my daughter so slowly, and stood at the edge of the burial plot. I saw his body being lowered down to meet his Maker, and with a deep sense knowing that I would never see my dad again.

I dont have so much of emotional issues anymore with my ex and I sincerely hope that he will recover, for the sake of my daughter, and not for anything else. He had, in a way, left her to face her challenging teenage years with me, and has not been there for her when she needed a hug or words of encouragement or even skin contact with her daddy.

As for me, all the 24 years of memories with him seemed to dissipate away and all what was left a sense of empathy and a wishful prayer for him to get well. A sense of nostalgic love from someone who had loved him with her life.

The X Communication

Whether you like it or not, youve got to admit it, no matter what you do, no matter where you go, no matter how you go about, as long as you have children in tow after a divorce, you still need to communicate with your ex.

It may not be so pleasant conversation about monthly maintenance or asking him about the insurance policy, even updating your kid’s exam results via the email.

It is like maintaining two separate household (it is) but with a certain focus that seems weird because a few things are still tied together. For instance mobile phone bills, priviledge cards, insurance, banking stuff, checking books… that used to be under joint accounts.

I know there are certain ex’s who are good at maintaining a relationship and they sometime even become great friends thereafter. I am envious of those who are like this. Sure, the communication with the ex has been somewhat okay, civilised even but thats it. I will not even want to go further than that description.

There Is Life After All


The sound system may sound a tad crappy, the song selections may not be the latest, the DJ…well…a youth at his best, and the wine sucks. BUT, the company IS a great bunch of people. A female lawyer swaying quietly to the music at the corner end while sipping her latte, a garage owner chatting with a businessman Tengku while his lovely girlfriend making friendly talk with the bartender. Another guy who is a Media Consultant quietly sipping his drinks while observing the rest of the crowd. The girl in pink top crooning her best rendition of “Reunited”.

The rest of the group were talking, hands flying everywhere, very animated. Work jackets and briefcases all over the sofas and bar stool.

And I was there, absorbing the scene at this open karaoke lounge in a local upmarket golf club somewhere at the fringe of Kuala Lumpur.

Minutes later, there was a change of “performer”. He grabbed the mike with confidence and started his first number of “My Way” then followed by a fast “joget”. Everyone, I mean, everyone, as if on queue started to fill in the dance floor as if it was a huge festive party. They were dancing the “joget” number. One tall guy pulled a walking waitress and danced with her, much to her delight. It was funny to see her dancing with a serving tray in one hand.

The evening went on with a few numbers of Bollywood songs even. Line dancing fell in place as if queued by some kind of invincible force. I learnt a step of two with them. Stumbled upon my “inang” and “joget” moves due to out of practice.

More laughter.




Not a place to show any funny air, I thought to myself. This was more of a social gatherings. To unwind and to get to know other circle of people. New friendships developed.

To be yourself.

The Echo In The Old House

Finally, the house shifting is almost over. I said almost simply because the heavy and big furniture and boxes were moved, and whats left are some tidy-ups in the old house – potted plants and a few pots & pans. Traumatic. That is the word that I keep on chanting about moving houses.

The lorry was supposed to arrive at 9 am on Saturday morning. Somehow, my staff managed to screw up the arrangement and on the night before I found myself with no lorry for the move! Luckily the ever resourceful moi came up with Plan B and had somehow managed to arrange for one but the lorry was only available on Sunday. OK. Sunday it would be, as if I have much choice in saying anything else but a yes?

Sunday came and the lorry guy came with 3 manpower. Wonderful. There was no way Lyn and I would ever be able to move all those stuff by ourselves.

One of the heaviest furniture that went in the transport was this 8-seater carved teak wood with matching chairs. Just let me tell you why this would become the topic of the day – the guys needed to carry this piece of thing up to my new place which is on the second floor. There is no lifts. Whatsoever.

Yeah. I know.

Pixs of view from the new place in next post.

It was a rather exciting experience. Sad and confused at the same time. Infact, I wasnt really sure what I was feeling on that day. Excited knowing for a fact that at this point of time I am embarking on a new journey in my life, on my own rules and decisions. New house, new experience. Sad and confused knowing that all these experiences were shared with my other half at several points in our lives before.

The masterbedroom is clear now from any furniture. All that is left are some magazines that need to be thrown out. It looks so empty now. The ochre coloured walls stood there so vivid in its colour. The windows are void of any dressings. I walked to the TV hall. No more coffee table with the usual TV tid-bits and cable schedule.

The landings is cleared now from the usual potted plants.

Infact, the house has this certain echo whenever I made a small move. I will remember these echos as it carries a little bit of what I had left behind for good.

Cuts Both Ways

It cuts both ways
Our love is like knife
That cuts both ways
Its driven deep into my heart each time
That I realize
How it cuts both ways
Cant be together
Cannot live apart
We’re heading straight into a broken heart
But I cant stop

Cause I feel too much to let you go
I’m hurting you and its hard I know
To stay and fight for what we’ve got
Knowing it will never be good enough
Cause you and I are dangerous
We want too much and life aint that way
Dont ask for more
Dont be a fool
Havent we already broken every rule

It cuts both ways, we’re in too deep for sorry alibis
Cant have regrets or even question why
We cant say goodbye
Because it cuts both ways
No more illusions of the love we make
No sacrifice would ever be too great
If you would just stay

Cuts both ways
Our love is like a knife that cuts both ways
Its driving deep into my heart each time I see we living the lie
And it cuts both ways
It cuts both ways
Cuts both ways
Cuts both ways

~~Gloria Estafan

Malay Mentality, Or What?

I chose “what”. Not quite sure about the Malay mentality though.

I am talking about all the dimwitted advisors that seems to surround you when you and your ex are trying to make some coherent, sane, balanced, informed and mutual decisions in a divorce.

Either way, most of them seems to be some stupid stuff:

  1. most likely to come from either side or both sides of the families (MIL, SIL, mother, sister, uncles, aunties and the entire village including the chicken and goats)
  2. highly charged emotional outbursts accompanying some unwarranted choiced words
  3. more choiced words with historical backgrounds from the day each partner being conceived in the womb
  4. that the divorcing couple should be squabbling and cat fighting over every single sen, cats, furniture, kids, stocks, bonds, shares, cars, bedsheets and toothbrushes in the marital home
  5. and that none of them are actually helping but was merely contributing to the noise pollution….

 What the fuck is wrong with you people?

From my observation, usually this kind of stupid mentality only happens in the Malay family. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. 
